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Offbeat Planners

Levitating Objects


 all solo-prenuers with a   handmade business! 

Ready to finally get your workspace organized to improve efficiency in your small biz?

Grab your free step-by-step guide to maximizing efficiency in your workspace!

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Organize Your Workspace



I'm Minica

Here, at Offbeat Planners, I help busy people with big goals that need creative ways to accomplish them. I can help you create productivity systems that minimize extra effort and maximize outcomes.

This is the exact framework I use to organize my own basement workspace for my Etsy Shop.

With this organization technique, specifically designed for workspaces, I saw
immediate improvements in my products. I could make my them quicker, with less errors, less physical waste, improved quality control, and the best part - less mental stress of remembering all the steps in my process.

download now

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Organize Your Workspace

Hey solo-prenuers. I see you. You started your handmade business for your love of crafting and creativity.

But you're ... SOLO on this journey. 

And because you are only one person, you are making mistakes, your supplies are scattered in your work area or you cant remember your process. And because of this, you are wasting even more time trying to figure it out each time you sit in your workspace.

IT'S LEADING TO lost time, decrease in quality, and an increase in mistakes. You find yourself second guessing your process and forget necessary steps to complete it. 

This is STOPPING YOUR FROM having a totally efficient workspace.

I am here
to help!

Levitating Objects
As a solo-preneur you probably have a workspace at home and in an existing room. You may be working around your family or even on the dining room table. 

You find your workspace small, unorganized and messy. 

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